Whether you are a seasoned open education advocate or a newcomer to the movement, communicating about “open” can be a challenge. The English language alone has more than 40 definitions of “open” (according to, and the term has gained myriad nuanced meanings to different communities, from free software to open access research to open education. Effective communication is the key to success for any movement, so it’s important for OER advocates to hone their skills.
The session will be structured into two parts: (1) a general overview of communication in an advocacy environment, with tips and tricks learned during the session leader’s more than 10 years in campaign organizing, and (2) a group discussion that draws on the collective experience in the room to identify and address key areas where communication about openness can be improved, with advanced guidance on topics of interest to the audience.
Communications topics include:
- Defining your audience
- Constructing an effective message
- Cutting back on jargon without diluting the facts
- Communicating through stories and values
- Working with the media
- Counteracting “open washing”
- Responding to bad press
kamilsliwowski joined the session Communicating “Open” [1172] 8 years, 10 months ago
mdkorosec joined the session Communicating “Open” [1172] 8 years, 10 months ago
Celeste McLaughlin joined the session Communicating “Open” [1172] 8 years, 10 months ago
Anna Page joined the session Communicating “Open” [1172] 8 years, 10 months ago
Marion Kelt joined the session Communicating “Open” [1172] 8 years, 10 months ago