
Need help? We’re here to help.

On this page you can find help and information including information about how to use this site.

How to use this site

The conference site is open for anyone to view. For the more interactive features like building your own schedule and follow/comment on sessions or engage with other participants you need to register/login to this site. If you are registered to attend OER16 you can use the username created at the event registration. If you can’t remember this you can try a password reset with your email address to get your username and password. If you are an ALT Member you can login with your ALT username and password. If you are not an ALT Member you can still register for an account here (this just registers you for this site. Here is more information on Join as an ALT Member).

We have a number of video ‘how-to’ guides to help you get started once you are logged in, but if you want to dive in we have:

Our top tips for getting connected

  1. Login and click ‘My Profile’ from the ‘Participate’ menu to View, Edit and Change your avatar
  2. Find some friends in the Participant Directory
  3. Browse the Programme to find sessions you want to follow/attend (find out more about creating your personal schedule)

Helpdesk and enquiries

All general enquiries should be directed to the conference helpdesk, located by the Registration desk on the first floor at the conference centre or, emailed to [email protected]

Useful information for remote participants

You can participate remotely via the conference site as well as accessing the live streamed sessions and by joining in the conversation on Twitter or other social networks using #oer16. Here is more information about Remote Participation