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Active 8 years, 10 months ago
At today’s knowledge society the information is available, open, varied, plentiful and practically inexhaustible. The educational scenario is also changing in the face of facilities caused by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The openness movement deals the knowledge as a public good, and the Open Educational Resources (OER) intends to improve quality in education through provision of open resources. This paper aims to identify the progress in the literature by OER over the last years, and barriers that still exist to be used more consistently. In order, a systematic search was made in scientific databases Scopus and Web of Science and in the open repository OER Knowledge Cloud for works dealing with OER published until December 2013, based on bibliometrics available in Zancanaro, Todesco and Ramos (2015). For selecting articles some filters were applied, such as removal of the works without authorship, duplicated, non full text, and they were out of the context of this study. Resulted in 544 works and afterwards a theoretical analysis, the majors studies of OER advances and barriers were selected. The objects of this study are the advances and barriers, categorized as the area described by Arendt and Shelton (2009), plus the political and educational issues adderessed in Butcher (2011) and OECD (2010). It was found advances and barriers in the following dimensions: technical, economic, social/cultural, legal, political and educational, which will aid the development of new researches. Analyzing these dimensions based on the literature, it concludes that although it is evident the presence of more barriers to development of OER than advances, the openness culture associated with the commitment in collective construction of knowledge is a practice which needs to be encouraged and disseminated in order to bring innovation for educational system.
Arendt, Anne M.; Shelton, Brett E. (2009). Incentives and disincentives for the use of OpenCourseWare. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, [S. I.], nov., v. 10, n. 5.
Butcher, Neil (2011). A basic guide to Open Educational Resources (OER). Paris, França: Unesco/Commonwealth of Learning, 133 p.
OCDE (2010). El conocimiento libre y los recursos educativos abiertos. Espanha: Junta de Extramadura, 182 p.
Zancanaro, Airton; Todesco, José Leomar; Ramos, Fernando (2015). A bibliometric Mapping of Open Educational Resources. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning. Canadá,v. 16, n. 1, pp. 1-23.