Public Group
9 years ago
Recent years have seen rapid growth of digital heritage resources, and along with them – the possible ways of sharing and usage. However, the implementation of openness in cultural institutions is a process, which in order to be effective requires certain competencies and informed decisions, resulting from the way of thinking about the strategy of an institution, its mission, and social role. That is why we conducted a research project aimed at looking at this process among Polish heritage institutions, its sources, progress and outcomes for education and audience development. A study consisted of two parts: one was a quantitative study of Polish GLAMs conducted as part of the Open Glam Benchmark Survey ( The other one was a qualitative study done by our team within Polish GLAM institution that already started implementing openness.
The summary of the results of both parts (final report accessible in Polish: – English version will be available soon) allowes us to identify areas in which the institutions implementing openness have achieved some significant changes in their approach towards their educational mission. Having the diagnosis of the state of the implementation of openness as well as the analysis of the progress of this process in selected institutions in terms of necessary competencies, major challenges, the most frequently encountered obstacles and the educational impact, we can provide GLAM professionals with some tools and methods that can be applied for the benefit of educators and wide audiences with diverse needs.