GLAM[1] is a global initiative for making cultural data open targeting galleries, libraries, archives and museums in particular. GLAM projects are run in collaboration with these cultural institutions where the artifacts and other institutional collections get all sorts of digital treatment, from digitizing manuscripts and books[2] to creating meta data and developing tools to automate and ease the life of contributors[3], building and 3D models of artifacts and creating multilingual virtual museum experience by using Wikipedia.[4] These institutions historically being the reservoir of knowledge need more attention with more digital innovation coming in day by day. There being a synergy between the fundamental focus of OER and GLAM initiative, it leaves scholars and GLAM and/or OER practitioners to explore this area that is currently not widely covered. GLAM projects are centered around data mining, digitizing and publishing the work in both machine and human readable forms. The output of all the GLAM projects could directly contribute to creating OERs classifying and customizing the OERs for different age groups and people with accessibility needs. This, in return will also benefit the GLAM projects and institutions for both expanding their reach and replicating these initiatives.
The presentation will be around the best practices of several GLAM initiatives and how these projects could lead to create useful OERs. I will also shed some light on the methodology of creating OERs during the development of a GLAM project.
1. GLAM: Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums
Marie Lönnblad
joined 8 years, 10 months ago -
Joe Wilson
joined 8 years, 10 months ago -
Susan Greig
joined 8 years, 10 months ago -
joined 8 years, 10 months ago -
Anna Page
joined 8 years, 10 months ago -
Frances Bell
joined 8 years, 10 months ago -
joined 8 years, 11 months ago