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This paper seeks to extend the discussion on participatory learning and teaching beyond the limits of the lecture theatre into the virtual classroom space. It proposes a model of blended learning that involves both on campus and distance students in the process of creating learning content through use of open technologies and free digital media resources. The base of this approach is shaped by the concept of vicarious learning as a way of learning vicariously through learning with others (Lee, 2012). Moving away from the models of teacher-led design of learning objects and passive consumption of learning materials, rich media can support reflection, construction of content and can enhance the process of collaborative learning between on campus and online learners. The physical separation of students in programmes offered at a distance may not be an obstacle, but an advantage through blended learning activities that provide the students with opportunities to network and interact. Introducing such methods of creating rich media educational resources aims to improve student-led learning whilst softening boundaries between traditional and online higher education.
Lee, J. 2012. Learning Vicariously with Rich Media. [Online]. 26 March 2013, Auditorium lecture theatre, Business School, The University of Edinburgh. [Accessed 12 November 2015]. Available from: