Parallel Sessions AM Day 1
Edited by Martin Hawksey
March 15, 2016 11:17 am
Sessions for Parallel Sessions AM Day 1
- GameEd Archive: OER for tabletop games [1182]
- Connecting Resources and Users – requirements for a federated cross-sectorial infrastructure for OER [1162]
- Modelling Open Practices in Professional Development: Creating a culture of open social scholarship [1057]
- Awareness of OER and OEP in Scotland: Survey Findings from the OEPS Project [1045]
- Reading between the lines: researching the impact of recommender systems in the engagement with and use of OER (open educational resources): a doctoral debate [1043] (Withdrawn)
- Global OER Graduate Network: Raising the Profile of OER Research [1038]
- OpenMed: Students and staff as co-creators of an OER learning framework in medicine and health care [1104]
- Strategic usage of open educational resources as an entrepreneurial ecosystem [1126]
- Research Data Management training [1180]
- Education OER: a pan-European meta-data aggregator [1122]
- Student-centered learning data? [1114]
- Students hacking the VLE and making their PLE in an open culture [1106] (withdrawn)
- We have great stuff! Having fun with the University of Edinburgh’s Collections. [1086]
- Massive Open Online Courses and Professional Development [1039]
- Diversifying the medical curriculum with student-led creation of digital stories - licensed for reuse in a remixed package of Open Educational Resources [1036]
- Learning to Develop Open Knowledge [1052]
- Opening Scotland: Museums Galleries Scotland’s Wikimedian in Residence & the diversification of engagement. [1059]
- Cultural institution AKA GLAM for more OER [1181]
- Wikimedia UK, cultural heritage and education [1175]
- Hacking the Virtual Classroom: Participatory Learning and Teaching with Rich Media Technologies [1056]
- TeachMeAnatomy: How a medical student built a sustainable, crowd-sourced, peer-reviewed open online textbook in his spare time [1068]
- Irish 101 – Incorporating Cultural and Strategic Drivers [1158]
- Open Educational Resources implementation in schools: Strategic advantages and Return on Investment [1033]
- Avoiding Openwashing with the OER World Map ‘Openness Indicator’ [1149]
- Embedding Openness Across Borders [1146]
- Mapping an emerging ecosystem of open images [1133]
- Popularization of open cultural heritage resources by content curation for trainers, teachers and OER evangelists [1166]